Sexual Health D&G
0345 702 3687 weekdays 8.30am - 4.30pm


Confidentiality is one of the most important areas of rights that young people usually want to check out when they are speaking to a professional person about sexual health. Usually, whatever age the young person is, they have the right to confidentiality, unless someone is harming them or they are in danger. This means that young people aged 13-16 can legally access confidential sexual health services even though it is illegal to have sex under the age of 16.

The law in Scotland says that a young person can use a health service or get medical treatment at any age without their parent's permission as long as the young person understands what it is they are doing. This includes going to a sexual health clinic or asking for and getting contraception.

Sometimes 13, 14 and 15 year olds do not want to involve their parents in their sexual health matters. This means that the professional person is in a difficult position and understands that parents/carers can be unhappy with this situation.  They can encourage and help 13, 14 or 15 year olds to speak to their parents/carers about these things. However, a professional person cannot make them do this, and must not pass on information about the young person to a parent/carer without permission. Professional people involved with young people about sexual health issues also want to reassure parents/carers that by coming to an agency for information, help or advice the young person is doing a responsible thing. 

Young People's Rights

There are laws for some people with profound disabilities who may not be able to consent to sex and if someone forces or coerces another person to have sex this is against the Law.

Risk assessment for 13, 14 or 15 years olds involved in sexual activity

Professionals have clear guidance where young people under 16 are involved in sexual activity and must consider the following and make a risk assessment.

Their partner is:

Other points for consideration:

Further Information about Confidentiality

